Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Things Kids Say...Okay Just Madisen

Kids say the darnedest things! I know that we say this all the time, but lately, Madisen has been on a roll! Here are some of her current funnies:

  • "Mom, Andrew is starting Kindergarten in the fall and he is not even reading yet! When I was going in to Kindergarten I could read and do math. Geeze, what is wrong with him?!" To this I replied that when Madi was Andrew's age she had a stay-at-home mom who had practically homeschooled her from the time she was three.
  • "Mom! Jenna is talking about boys again! Makes me want to PUKE!" Oh to remind her of this when she is a teenager!
  • "Mom, everyone knows that Andrew is your favorite no matter what you say. You just tell us we're all your favorites so we will still like you!" Oh boy...
  • "Mom, Andrew is a little messy thing, covered in dirt, that should have to sleep outside with Stryker!" If only she could see what she looks like when she comes in from playing outside all day...oh wait she does! 
  • "Mom, dad is more playful than you. With you it's just work, work, work, oh and you're always tired because of the baby." Oh, I can't wait until she is a mother!!
  • "Mom, Andrew won't stop following me and he is making me crazy!"
  • "Dad, you're just lazy. All you do is sit around and watch tv or get on the KSL."
  • "I'm dad's princess. KayDee and Jenna aren't" This was said to KD and Jenna to which they replied, "We are too!" Madisen then confirmed to them that they are not.
  • "Oh great... Another brother. I think we should give him" this was proceded by her crying for two straight days. After she stopped crying she decided that she will train him to "Not be like Andrew" and then he can stay.
Alas, most of her blunt comments involve Andrew, due to how much she just loves him! I mean look at these two! Don't they look like the perfect little companions?!

So today, I am sitting at work and the phone rings. It's "home." Since the kids have been out for summer break I get these calls frequently about kids not doing chores, KD being mean, Andrew doing something Madi told him he couldn't do, etc. Today was one of the best ones yet, it went like this!

Me: Hello
Madisen: Mom will you tell my stupid sisters that I am to old      
                to take a bath with Andrew!!!
Me: Yes Madi, let me talk to KayDee
Madisen: Good! Here she is!

I mean isn't that just priceless?! Oh the things kids say...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

"Boys Night" & Trying to Salvage the Weekend

As you can see from my last post, our Memorial Day plans were ruined. The kids were totally bummed out so we tried to compensate for not going to MT. 

On Friday night we headed over to our favorite local dollar theater and saw "The Croods." It was your classic disney movie, with a happy ending of course, but wasn't so bad I wanted to poke my own eyes out! The kids loved it, Jenna, Madi, and Andrew that is. KayDee is getting to "cool" to hang out with us and went to chill with her best friend Sara. 

Saturday morning we went swimming at "Big Bucket." Its the pool in Lehi, and my kids love it there. Sadly and much to my surprise, the water made me start cramping up pretty bad and after an hour and a half I told the kids we needed to go. They would have stayed all day if I let them! Little fishies! Don't worry...I made it up to them with a trip to Macey's grocery store where they piled the cart high with treats! ;)

After we got home, Andrew and David decided they needed to go on a boys camp-out. David keeps telling me that as our girls get older, he and Andrew are going to need to escape that one dreadful week a month. You all know what I am talking about! I laugh and tell him they will survive. Here are some cute pics from their camp-out. As you can see they had to Stryker with them since "he is a boy too!"

I don't know if you can tell how dirty Andrew is, but it's pretty gross!

The two fish they caught! Andrew was soooo excited!!
They took the two back seats out of the Suburban instead of worrying about hauling
the trailer or pitching a tent. As you can see, it was a "snuggly" night!

This is what Andrew looked like on the drive home!

The girls stayed home and went to eat at Cafe Rio, yummy!, and visited Blockbuster for a few videos I knew I was going to regret renting. I filled Jenna and Madi up with sugar and they were good for the night. We all camped out in the living like a 10 year-old girls slumber party, watching movies and eating junk all night!

 When the boys got home on Sunday, Jenna and Madi talked David into taking them up American Fork Canyon because they wanted to go camping too! David is such a good sport, and loaded up fresh supplies and off they went. Have I ever said what a great husband I have and an even greater dad? Well he is!! So it was just me and KayDee for Sunday night and we spent it watching the amazing Iron Chef America Tournament of Champions and Chopped. We are die hards for those two shows! My favorite was Geoffrey Zakarian but he only made it to the second round. :(  (I know what you are thinking...I need a life!)

Alas, it was a very nice, peaceful night with most of the kids gone and I watched tv, read my book, and tried to get some sleep. That is easier said than done with David gone and being seven months pregnant!  The fam came back Monday around lunch time and told me what a "great time they had!" 

On Monday afternoon we went back to the theater to see "OZ." It was a pretty good prequel for the old "Wizard of OZ," and was even a little scary at times. I was nostalgic listening to my kids talk about how scary parts of it were. I remember being a little kid and being totally freaked out by the old movie, although "Return to OZ" was much more terrifying! I know that I'm not the only one who was scared of a talking Scarecrow, a Lion who cried all the time, and a Tin Man who walked "very strangely."  

I'm so glad I get to spend time with my little family before this new baby arrives. It is going to be a little bit of a shock when we don't run around all the time when we do now. I think they will be so excited to be around the baby that I will get a pass. We'll see!