Saturday, February 22, 2014


For Thanksgiving this year, we took the week off and flew to Arizona to see Grandma and Grandpa Legg. It was not the greatest weather, I was hoping for much warmer weather, but we still had a good time! 

Here are our munchkins waiting to board our plane.

Madi and Andrew were so excited to fly, they haven't flown since they were babies. Andrew talked about it nonstop for weeks! I'm not a big fan of flying but having my family with me calms my nerves. It was easier for me to be okay with it knowing how excited they were. David and I both sat on a row with kids on either side of us and watched movies for the short 1.5 hour flight.

Once we got to Grandma and Grandpa's, the kids couldn't wait to get in the pool! As you can see from Andrew's shivering body, it wasn't very warm. But hey, it is November!

When we get together with my parents, every night is cards night! We love to play Pinochle and Spades. My dad is teaching Jack early! He will be a little card-shark by the time he is two!!

Jackson hanging with Grandma and Grandpa in the kitchen! He adjusted so well to the change of scenery! I was happy that he slept pretty well, wasn't to fussy, and loved being with my parents! It's always hard traveling with a baby, but he was awesome!

Our sleeping little prince! Love him to pieces!!

Just playing and laughing with Mama!

David's older brother Adam and his family live about one hour from my parents. It was really nice to be able to spend some time with them. David actually spent most of his time out there fixing my dad's truck that broke while they were driving us home from the airport. Go figure...sadly that meant David didn't get much of a vacation. He did get some quality time with his brother though!!

I took the kids out there for a day, and they got to run around in the dirt, ride the horse, and play with cousins!

Our trip to Adam's was even complete with Jackson having a poopy "blowout" diaper! I was at the parts store getting gaskets for David so Teresa and Grandma Awtrey had to strip him and give him a bath. This is him hanging out with Grandma afterward.

Thanksgiving in Arizona is such a change for our family; we are used to being bundled up against the cold, not relaxing in the sunshine and eating outside on the patio. One of the days we were there, David and Collin took the kids out to Colossal Caves. David has pictures of this outing on his phone but he has not uploaded the pics on the computer, so essentially you will just have to use your imagination!

In the end, I am grateful for parents who love to be involved in our lives, don't get to tired of our children, and invite us to spend quality time with them during the holidays!

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Our girls keep us on our toes all of the time! I literally mean ALL OF THE TIME! KayDee is our emotional, moody teenager, Jenna is our drama queen, and Madisen is our stubborn witty little spitfire. It is amazing to me how different children's personalities turn out when they are raised the same way, by the same parents. I would have thought our girls would be more similar than they are. Nope! Each one is a blessing and a challenge in their own way. KD can be so much to deal with and yet so extremely helpful. Jenna drives us crazy sometimes with her "airheadedness" yet she is such a good child. Madisen is so loving and kind unless of course your name is Andrew Awtrey, and even then sometimes she is so nice so him.

As I look at other families who tell me how sorry they feel for us that we have 3 girls, I look at all of the blessings that come from my daughters. I have a special connection with our girls that I don't have with our boys. They are more emotional and understanding. When I don't feel good they instantly turn into little caregivers. I know as I grow older, our girls will always be there for me. That is not necessarily something you get from sons. Sons are special in their own way, mainly their strength. Girls are the nurturers, and are more intune with their surroundings. I love my girls so very much. I wanted to share some of my favorite pictures of our girls from the last couple of years.

 Madi wearing daddy's work clothes.

 Jenna dressed up like Cindy Lou Who for her Dr. Seuss birthday party. I take credit for her amazing hair!

 This is KayDee returning from Trek. Our YM/YW went on a Mormon reproduction of the pioneer treks out near Mosida. She was filthy, exhausted, and absolutely glowing.

 Girls Night Out! Attending the premiere of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. This woman from a local radio station was dressed up as Effie. Yes, I am a super cool mom, and this is how we roll!

 Hanging out with some Chinese food at Fong's after Jenna's orchestra concert. These two are hilarious when they are actually getting along.

 Madi was on the floor doing the splits so KayDee had to try and show her up. As you can was a very poor showing!

 Our little Honor Society lady! Boy, she is such a smarty! She is a great example for her younger siblings on how to do well in school.

We are sitting in the airport to fly to Arizona for Thanksgiving. She wanted me to take her picture with her boarding pass. LOL

 Yes, that is a picture of Madisen as underwear lady! She probably had 20 pairs of underwear on! It was absolutely hilarious!!

Madi getting a squeeze from Jenna before the Dr. Seuss party!

Madi and I playing Math Bingo with Reeses Pieces. She uses "math facts" to decide with number to put a candy on. What a great way to learn math; informative, fun, and yummy!

Here's to another 60 years with these three beauties!!

Sibling Love.

Most of the time, our kids are complaining that they don't like each other. Pretty typical for siblings. But there are those moments when they really show just how much they love each other. Those are the moments I live for. I tell our kids all the time that we are a family and will continue to be a family forever! Since that is the case, we may as well learn how to like each other because we are all that we have. The greatest part about my family is that it is an eternal one. Due to my religious beliefs, and my being sealed to my family in the temple, Heavenly Father promised us that we can be together forever if we strive to live righteously. So the end of the is what we have. They are the only things we can take with us to the other side, and the only thing that matters in this life!

 My sweet little boy! He loves to cuddle with his mommy!

 Sledding is always funnest with a buddy!

 KayDee and Jenna in the same picture....Miraculous!!

 This two are thick as thieves! Love each other one minute, pounding on each other the next.

 I can't even tell you how many pictures I have of these two. He has been her favorite since day 1!

 Yet another miracle! Hahahaha.

 She was helping him do his homework! It was priceless. I will remember this forever.

 And another.
 Jenna always looks a little hesitant when she holds Jack but he loves her!

 My favorite person in the whole world! This was our recreated first date he did for my Christmas present this last year. He really is a hopeless romantic!


She is such a great big sister! She has been a tremendous help with Jackson!

I try to help my children remember just how important they are to me as well as to each other. I want my children to have a friendly relationship when they are older, one where they can talk to each other for hours if they want to. Anything I can do to help foster that relationship now I will do. After all, they are the most important people in my life! 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

My "Tough" Job

So... I did my Bachelors degree at Utah Valley University, and during that time did an internship for the Associate Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. It was a great opportunity for me and I was soon hired by the university. That was many years ago, and I have since moved to the Office of Academic Affairs as an administrative support and program coordinator for Engaged Learning.

Program coordination is about like event planning and I get the pleasure of bringing a variety of the greatest minds to campus for keynote speeches and workshops, travel with students presenting undergraduate research, as well as attend all kinds of VIP engagements. Needless to say...I have a pretty "cushy" job! For instance:

 This is my mini "feast" done by our Culinary Arts students for an event. Crab legs, shrimp, sun dried tomatoes, gourmet cheese, fruit, and of course dessert.

 These are my $20 crab cakes I enjoyed at Chefs Table for lunch with Laurie Goldstein, the Religion Reporter for the NY Times. Tough life...I know!

And these are the amazing flowers that wait at home for me from a husband who appreciates the sacrifice I make by going to work and supporting our family.

On top of all this good stuff, I was able to take 3 months off for maternity leave, was then able to go back part-time on my full-time salary for another 3 months, and have the ultimate flexibility in my hours. I can leave early for kids school events, not go in when my sick little kiddos just want their mommy, and work from home if I am having "one of those days." Also, working for the government gives me a month off per year in sick, personal, and vacation days, not to mention every holiday that we have off paid. is not all glamour, and I do miss my kiddos when I am gone, but it is much better than David working construction 12 hours a day. It is worth it to come home at 4:00 pm and have dinner with my family every night, and am thankful for the time this has given David to spend with our kids. On the days that my job frustrates the heck out of me, it is important to remember just how blessed I am!

Conference Weekend and Mousse

Every April and October, my church gathers together for a televised conference session. We hear from the leaders of our church, and receive guidance through times of tribulation. It has been a long time since I have sat and watched conference, I usually just read it in the Ensign the following month. This year, I made the kids conference packets to keep them busy and sat hold Jackson while I soaked in all of the messages of love, friendship, religion, and motivation. 

I especially loved Elder Uchtdorf's talk, "Come Join With Us." He is such an invigorating speaker, and one of my favorites. In his address, he speaks to the doubters, the righteous, those who have fallen away, and those who are not members of our faith. He talks about the imperfections we have and how we are all still chosen sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from his talk:

"It's natural to have questions- the acorn of honest inquiry has often sprouted and matured into a great oak of understanding. There are few members of the church, who at one time or another, have not wrestled with serious or sensitive questions. One of the purposes of the Church is to nurture and cultivate the seed of faith- even in the sometimes sandy soil of doubt and uncertainty. Faith is to hope for things which are not seen but which are true."

"Please, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith."

"It is unfortunate that some have stumbled because of the mistakes made by men. But in spite of this, the eternal truth of the restored gospel found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not tarnished, diminished, or destroyed."

"I suppose the Church would be perfect only if it were run by perfect beings. God is perfect, and his doctrine is pure. But he works through us- His imperfect children- and imperfect people make mistakes."

I am one of those imperfect people; though everyday I strive to live as Heavenly Father would want me to. I thoroughly enjoyed the message of Elder Uchtdorf and you can find his entire talk here:

Jenna watched all of conference with me, and we decided on the break between the Saturday sessions we needed some one-on-one time at Olive Garden. ;) After some delicious pasta Jenna ordered a White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake Mousse. It was divine! Here she is enjoying it!

In the end, I am eternally grateful for a Father in Heaven who knows me and knows my struggles. My life has been anything but easy, and I testify in the great redeeming grace of repentance and forgiveness and can personally attest to their importance in my life. I am thankful for the gospel and the love and importance it is to me. I have a testimony of eternal families and look forward to spending forever with mine. I know that this church is true and there is a true prophet living on this earth to lead and guide us back to our Heavenly home. I have a testimony of the scriptures and general conference, as our road maps on this journey called life. I love the Lord and the sacrifice he made for me.



We love Halloween at our house! It is complete with the Elementary Halloween Parade, carving pumpkins, trick-or-treating, a party for KayDee and Jenna (since I am a mean mom and told them they are too old to go trick-or-treating), the Chili cookoff, and best of all...COSTUMES!

Here are some pics of our eventful Halloween. First up...costumes!

I didn't dress Jackson up, but did buy him a cute little Frankenstein shirt and pants. I figured that was okay.

Next, the Halloween Party that my sisters Tiff and Lex  threw. The kids had a great time, Lex did all the games and Tiff helped with the food. Here are some pics of her amazing cupcake and brownie creations! She is so talented! I'm jealous!!

Lex had all kinds of little game stations and activities for the kids. They had so much fun!

Every year, our Elementary school does a Halloween parade for the kids to wear their costumes on a march through the school. Parents are invited to come and watch and this year David, Jack, and myself went to check out all the unique costumes! The pics are a little fuzzy, I was trying to get them while the kids were walking by.

Jack was anxiously awaiting the parade to start!

And last but certainly not least, the chili cookoff! Our ward does their Halloween/Chili Cookoff party every year. It is our most attended event! I took my AWESOME ;) chili and entered this year. Guess what?! I won first place!! Oh yeah!!!! Here was my amazing prize:

The night of Halloween I made KD and Jen and their friends numerous snacks and treats and they planted themselves down to watch Dark Shadows in my living room. Debra, Brit, Jennye and their kids as well as Madi, Andrew and I went trick-or-treating in my neighborhood. The kids got loaded up with candy and we all had a great time! Lucky for us it was a warm year, we are usually trick-or-treating in the snow! I had a wonderful time and love seeing the happiness and excitement on my children's faces.