Saturday, October 5, 2013

Jackson Chase

I am a little behind, okay that is a HUGE understatement! Life has been a whirlwind the last two months with the arrival of our newest precious gift...our baby boy. 

On August 13th, after much anticipation, we welcomed Jackson Chase to our family. He is our fifth child, and our second son. He was born at a healthy 6 lbs 14 oz after a kind of scary delivery. I thank my Heavenly Father everyday that Jackson and I both came out okay, and know that he truly watches over me and knows me personally. Heavenly Father knew my fears going into my delivery and watched over us both as only a loving father could. Two months later, I am so grateful for the wonderful spirit that he sent to our family. We couldn't live without him!

There is a very miraculous story behind our little Jackson. Last year I was facing some scary health issues and with that came numerous tests. On the eve before a particularly scary test, I asked my father if he would give me a Priesthood blessing. He agreed and invited his Bishop to participate in the blessing. After the anointing, my father's bishop gave me a wonderful blessing of healing and comfort. During this blessing, he told me that the Lord blesses me with the health and strength I will need to bring our spirit children to my family. He promised me that if I have faith, I will raise my children in the righteousness he desires. My blessing left me comforted and at peace, while at the same time a bit puzzled...

Driving home, David and I discussed what was said in my blessing. We were not planning to have any more children, and I tried to rationalize what the bishop had said about more children by stating that he didn't know we already have children and maybe he was speaking about them. David told me that if I believe in what had just taken place, I could not honestly believe that that is the case. Due to what the next day would bring, as well as numerous trials that followed, I soon forgot that special promise.

In December 2012, I told David that I was feeling a little "bizarre." David teased that maybe I was pregnant. Knowing this could not be the case, I tried to push it from my mind. That was impossible and I begged David to go and buy a pregnancy test. Sure enough, it came back positive. I cried. My husband is a full-time student and stay-at-home father, I am a full-time graduate student and full-time employee outside of our home. We couldn't have a baby! We were past that point in our lives! Andrew was getting ready to turn 5! This wasn't happening to us! And then it all came flooding back...the morning sickness with Andrew, the traumatic delivery, the colic, etc. I was overwhelmed, terrified, and scared all at once, and this lasted for a few months. Eventually I warmed up to the idea that we were expanding our family, and I could not feel more selfish about how I felt in the beginning. My pregnancy went very smooth, and now that I have recovered from pregnancy and childbirth I am loving every second of our newest child.

Jackson is my blue eyed, chubster man. He brings so much light and happiness to our life! I would miss him even if we had never met. It's amazing how Heavenly Father knew there was a piece of my heart that was missing when even I didn't. Jackson is that piece. He is an absolute angel and a miracle.  I am so grateful that Heavenly Father knows what is best for me, and I need to have more faith in his path for my life. As Jackson lays next to me sleeping, I can't help but melt at how blessed I am. Heavenly Father has entrusted me, us, with five special spirit children. He trusts us to raise them and love them so that one day we can all return back to him. I am so thankful that my family is sealed together for time and all eternity, they are my everything.

Here are some pictures of our beautiful baby boy!

So pure and innocent. He truly is a blessing!

This picture shows how much he looks like Madisen!
He has strawberry blonde peach fuzz and big blue eyes!

So Little!

Daddy's hands look huge compared to his tiny little head.

This is probably my favorite picture ever! It truly
captures how quickly my whole world changed for this
amazing little boy! He is now part of my everything.

Guess this picture is now outdated! I will post a new family picture
as soon as we get one done! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Children are truly a wonderful blessing. I love the pictures.
