Saturday, September 6, 2014


On to Christmas! Christmas at our house this year was kind of miserable! We were all sick! KayDee was the worst with full-blown Influenza and Pneumonia. Now before you all start into your rant about how my kids should get a flu shot, we don't do "that" in our house! I have never received a flu shot and neither has any of my children. We have only had two people sick with Influenza in 10 years, so I will take my chances. Regardless, although KD was feeling much better after the first two days, due to her being highly contagious she was quarantined to her room and had to wear a mask if she came out. This was for 10 days! She was not very happy! All that aside, we did a "smaller" Christmas this year and our kids were just as happy as in past years.

Andrew wanted a "Stuffie" so bad! He opened it first and probably would have been happy as a clam
if he didn't get anything else. These kind of events make us think we buy our kids to much stuff!
Madi got books, Hello Kitty Walkie Talkies, games, puzzles, etc. She was pretty happy too!
Jenna still half asleep on the couch!
Tearing though more presents!
We always give our kids books! I have created five little happy readers. Thank you...thank you! ;) 
Jenna loved this book so much she raced through the other two in the series and has been very impatiently awaiting the next book set to come out next month.
KD also loved her book and immediately read the sequel. I'll admit, I cheated and bought my girls books that we were scheduled to read for my book club. Needless to say it included a lot of YA books and my attendance in book club has been sparse. But girls loved the books!
Yet another book club book! The Strange Case of Origami Yoda. Andrew wasn't to interested in it, it's more of a middle school aged book.
She refuses to show her face in pictures! Oh Madi!
KD was easy this year. "I want makeup, boots, and clothes." Check, check, and check!

These two are partners in crime! As you can tell Jack is the innocent bystander.

Jack wasn't quite sure what to think of it all and didn't even want to open his own present.

He did love it though!
He was much happier with the walker that we got him!

Andrew helped me make the raspberry, whipped cream french toast for breakfast!
It was YUMMY!!

Jack did have a great time sitting on the table while I wrapped all of his siblings gifts!
He was great company!

Also in December we got the pleasure of going to Andrew's "Polar Express" Christmas Program. This required making trains for them to wear. It was fun watching David and Andrew make his train! He did such a great job during the program, singing all of the songs, and saying his part perfectly. Our little boy is growing up!

 All in all, we had a great Holiday! I couldn't not be more thankful for the healthy, happy, and beautiful family that I have. I don't know what the holiday season would look like without the controlled chaos that fills our house. It is truly the joy on my children's faces that make these times so special. I hope they always remember the fun times and traditions that we have!

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